Disciple Now
DNOW 2022
March 18-20
Johns Creek Baptist Church
$100 per student*
For all students 6th-12th grade
Disciple Now is a weekend of worship, missions, and fun! We will spend the weekend at JCBC worshiping and in the surrounding community serving with our missional partners. Students will stay in host homes near the church and will be led by youth small group leaders and JCBC college students.
This year our theme is “Frequency.” God is always communicating with us, but are we tuned in to hear what our Creator has to say? Join us for the weekend as we explore how to open ourselves up to hear God’s call in our lives.
“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”-1 Peter 2:21
*price includes meals, activities, and missions project cost
Joi Bowling is a New Jersey native who has the unique gifting that encourages others to focus on God’s goodness through music. Joi’s musical journey began in a small New Jersey Shore church. Pursuing a college degree took her to Liberty University in Virginia, where she met and married her best friend, JB. While at Liberty University, Joi began a full-time career of traveling and singing.
After graduation, Joi and JB moved to San Diego, CA to join the staff of a church where Joi continued to grow as a vocalist and music leader. After seven years in California, a desire to be closer to her East Coast family members moved Joi and her family to Virginia and finally to Georgia. She continues to use her gifts to lead music in local churches, including JCBC, and conferences all over the country.
Joi’s musical travels have taken her all over the world, including England, Israel, and France. Joi and JB have settled in the peaceful foothills of North Georgia with their three beautiful children, Josiah, Jacob, and Jayla and crazy dog, Jersey.