Let’s Golf
Let’s Golf!
All Players, Hackers, and Wannabes Welcome!
Friday, September 29th
10:00 AM
The Hampton Golf Village
6310 Hampton Golf Club Dr
Cumming, GA 30041
Hey Guys and Gals…JCBC Golf Outings are Back!
JCBC Congregational Life – a component of the Connections Ministry – is excited to revive golf outings at JCBC. We have 24 slots reserved at The Hampton Golf Course on Friday September 29th and we hope you will join in the fun! Although we are not hosting a full-on tournament this time out – there will be an homage to the team with the lowest score. Prizes for closest to the hole, longest drive, longest putt, and best golf outfit will be awarded! (Think Payne Stewart or Ai Miyazato)
We will play a best-ball format to move things along. Tee off from where you normally do – Ladies Tees, Seniors, Whites, Tips – whatever. We won’t be attempting to handicap teams.
Sign up as a foursome, partners, or as a single player.
Green fees are $74 per person (Lunch at the turn included.) Pay by check made out to Johns Creek Baptist Church by September 24th or pay online.