Summer Fun Days
JCBC Kids Summer Fun Days!
June & July!!!
The earliest stages of faith development are built on relationships. JCBCKids is looking forward to a summer full of connection! This summer, we hope that through some fun summer events our children begin to form relationships and connections that will foster their spiritual development as they grow and mature! Make plans to join us for our Summer Fun Days this summer! See below for more details and email Pastor Robin (rpriddy@jcbc.org) with any questions. Some events require registration.
Vacation Bible School: Camp Firelight (June 4-7)
Through music, drama, storytelling, games, arts & crafts, and snacks children ages 4-years-old through completed 5th grade and their families will learn more about the people in the Bible who experienced the gift of a trusting relationship with God. Join us at Camp Firelight this June! Registration required.
Get Messy! (June 14, 6-8pm)
Completed 3rd-8th grade children and youth are invited to gather on the JCBC soccer field for dinner and messy games. Wear clothes and shoes that can possibly be ruined. Registration requested. Email Pastor Robin at rpriddy@jcbc.org if your child will attend.
Popsicles on the Playground (June 17, 5-7pm; June 25, 10am-12pm; July 25, 5-7pm)
Families with preschool and younger children are invited to the JCBC playground for laughter and fun. Pastor Robin will provide popsicles. No registration required.
Family Movie Night (June 28 & July 21, 5:30pm)
Families are invited for a movie night in the FLC. Popcorn bar and movie provided. Registration Requested. RSVP for June movie night here and July movie night here.
Outdoor Fun (& Ice Cream!) (July 9, 6-7:30pm)
Families with completed kindergarten through second grade children are invited to play at Sharon Springs Park and end the evening with Bruster’s. Ice cream is on Pastor Robin! Registration requested. Please register here.
PassportKids Camp (July 14-17)
PASSPORTKids is a four day, three night sleepaway camp for completed 3rd-5th graders that focuses on worship, missions education, and community building. Prior registration by April 28th is required. Find out more information and register here.
Baby & Toddler Olympics (July 20, 9-11am)
Babies, toddlers, and their families are invited for fun, games, laughter, and prizes. We will have activities such as stroller races, crawling races, walking races, and more! Please register here.