In a future sermon series (not this one, nor the next, but the one after that) I will be leading us to think about church, our church, and the incredible power of a gathered community.

To do that, I need your help.

In that series, we will study from a biblical perspective, the mysterious and even mystical experience that is made possible when two or more are deliberately gathered together in His name. But in order for us to more fully live into that study, and celebrate well, I want to know and understand your personal experience in this gathered community we know as JCBC.

That is why, over the course of the next few weeks I am posing two questions for your consideration: Why did you come? And, why have you stayed?

1. When you first came to Johns Creek Baptist Church, why did you come?
In other words, what brought you here? Were you invited by someone you knew? Perhaps you were part of the original group from Chamblee or the mission church from Dunwoody. Maybe you were new when the area was new, and you grew together with the church, almost like a childhood friend.

Somewhere, sometime in your recent or distant past, something drew you here. What was it? Perhaps a special program like Christmas at Johns Creek? A ministry with children? With youth? What ever it was, I want to know your story.

2. Over the years that you have remained at Johns Creek Baptist Church, why have you stayed?
Regardless of what brought you here, something has kept you. What is that something? Is it a Sunday School Community? A small group? Perhaps it’s the worship service? Some other ministry program? Or maybe all or none of the above? With so many wonderful churches in our area to choose, why did you (and why do you) continue to choose Johns Creek Baptist, and call JCBC your home?

When you have taken the time to reflect on these two questions, and perhaps even discussed them with those who are close to you, please take 5 or 10 minutes to complete the simple 2 question survey, found here.


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