iMAGiNEXT…In Action

Pastor Shaun reminded us to “never underestimate the power of a provoked imagination.” The words are powerful, visual, inspirational…artistic even. They also happen to be true.

She has decided to Love People by offering encouragement and care. She has begun to visit those who are ill and has begun to write letters and send cards to offer much needed words of encouragement. She is also making plans to bring her medical training to the task by making plans to care for the sick in Sierra Leone with Hope2Live ministries.

He has decided to Love God by taking a deeper dive into scripture and developing his personal devotional life. He has taken advantage of some of the helps and resources offered by our staff.
Wanting to be as attuned to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as possible, she is learning how to make worship more real and authentic for her. Above all, she wants to Love God more…and better. It’s her “next.”

They have decided to Love People by bringing their skills and talents to the forefront. They are currently working on a strategy to segment clips from Pastor Shaun’s sermon videos in to short, poignant vignettes in order to make the message more “consumable” for as many people as humanly possible.

He has decided to Love People by bringing his expertise in web text editing and web content “usability” to help our online efforts be as effective as we can make them. He also decided to Love God by signing up to participate in our Servant Leadership class…although he admits the word “leadership” is frightening to him. He’s normally a “behind the scenes” guy. It’s a bold, uncomfortable “next.”

Her “next” is to help others discover theirs. It’s her way to Love People…to love YOU…specifically. It’s a stretch for her.
In a previous blog, Pastor Shaun encouraged all of us to Enter the Conversation and to Invite the Question.

Now would be a good time.

David White
Connections Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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