A vibrant and living journey with Jesus Christ never ends.
As followers, we are in a constant state of becoming.
All the time.

If we pay close attention to the way Jesus encounters people in the Gospels, we find him doing the same thing again and again. He meets people right where they are, but then with grace and power, He beckons them to more. He bids them (regardless of who they are, or where they’ve been) to follow him to a new and next place in their adventure of faith.

If we know nothing else ,we know this: In Christ, there is never NOT a next.

True for individuals.
True for congregations.

What would a new and next step of faith look like for you as a follower of Jesus?
What would a new and next step of faith look like for us as a congregation gathered in His name?

Perhaps it’s time to consider it.
Perhaps time to intentionally imagine…
to deliberately discern…
the new and next call of Christ upon all of us.
Perhaps it’s time to iMAGINEXT!

On Sunday, August 11th, JCBC will begin a new 10 part sermon series entitled, iMAGINEXT. More than a sermon series, however, this new study will become a launching pad for a broader, church-wide annual ministry theme. For the span of a full year, our ministry planning will be focused on helping individuals to discover and act upon the unique call God has placed on each their lives. While there may be a variety of other sermon series and teaching themes throughout the course of the year, everything do will be in service to this larger, congregational focus.

And what better timing could there be? On Sunday, October 20th, JCBC will celebrate our 20th anniversary of ministry in Johns Creek. As we reflect back on the faith that has brought us thus far, it is clear that we as a people are providentially poised to imagine together what the call of Christ looks like next, for us as a congregation.

There is something new and exhilarating underway.
Can you sense it? Can you feel it tugging you forward?
It is the call of Christ, bidding you to something new; to something next.

Imagine that.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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