JCBC Leaders Meet for Presentation of Strategic Initiatives

During our current sermon series, THAT Kind of Church, we have been considering the particular distinctives and core values that make up our identity and mission as a congregation.

One of the greatest strengths is our willingness to engage in deliberate dialogue about our church’s vision and future. One such dialogue has been underway now for many months surrounding the four Strategic Initiatives that will be the focus of our congregational energy over the next three years of ministry together.

This weekend, several JCBC Leaders, made up of the Pastor’s Council, Stewardship Committee, Deacon Body, Committee Chairs, Officers, Sunday School Community Leaders and Pastoral Staff will gather for an exciting presentation of these initiatives as well as the goals and action items that will make the vision a reality.

This presentation comes after more than a year of development.
As a review of where we have been:

  • Summer of 2018 – Conversations began within Pastor’s Council about the vision and strategy of our near future. What is God calling us to be and to do in this next era of our church’s story?
  • Fall 2018 to Winter 2019 – Task force is charged to explore options for a strategic plan. Demographic data is gathered and analyzed on the 10-mile radius surrounding JCBC. Who is our neighbor? What are the particular needs of our “neighborhood?”
  • Winter/Spring of 2019 – The JCBC Shared Life Survey is conducted and analyzed. Does our church reflect the discoveries made in our demographic research? How are we poised to be the presence of Christ where we are, when we are? Rev. Susan Beaumont returns to guide a process of envisioning our future. Core values are reaffirmed, and four areas of strategic initiative are identified.
  • Spring of 2019 – In Church Conference, JCBC affirms core values, four strategic initiatives, and four innovation teams charged with the task of developing those initiatives into a plan.
  • Summer of 2019 – Four Innovation Teams meet independently throughout the Summer to develop the specific goals and action steps required to implement the strategic initiatives.

Now it is time to share the details of our strategic plan with the leaders mentioned above, as a vital step in the discernment process. Susan Beaumont will return to help facilitate our dialogue.

Our teams have worked extremely hard, prayerfully discerning what opportunities God has placed before us as a congregation. What is thrilling to see is that while each of the initiatives are distinct, they all dovetail beautifully into a common desire to move out into our community and reach those who have not yet personally experienced JCBC for themselves.

In the weeks following our leadership presentation, I will be sharing the vision of these exciting plans with the congregation-at-large during my annual State of the Church Address, on Sunday morning, October 20th during morning worship.

Later that week, on Wednesday evening, October 23rd, the church will have the opportunity to officially adopt our strategic vision in to action, through a congregational vote during a special called Church-in-Conference.

This is an extraordinary season of promise for us a congregation. I ask for your prayers this weekend, and beyond as together we discern God’s desire for our church, and respond by faith.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well I do.

Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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JCBC Leaders Vote to Support Strategic Initiatives

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