“Hi, how was your week?”

Pretty good, actually. Last year I asked the question, “Why do artificial stem cells age faster than natural stem cells?” Last week I discovered that it’s because artificial stem cells delete portions of mitochondrial DNA, which if harnessed properly can contain cancer cells and stop cancer from spreading to other cells.

“Uh, wow, well, what are your plans this week?”

This weekend is Prom.

Joshua Meier accomplished the above feat at age 18. Samantha Marquez has seven patents pending on creating artificial cell tissues she calls “celloidsones.” Celloidsones can repair internal organs and purify water. She discovered celloidsones at age 12. Ann Makosinski developed a flashlight powered by body heat that harnesses thermoelectric tiles that took the average body temperature of 98.6 and created a current. Ann is 16 years old. Jake Andraka, age 17, created a simple, inexpensive test for pancreatic cancer.

What was I doing at 17? I was a lifeguard who had just discovered a way to spend every dollar I made…girls! Saving the world? Never crossed my mind, which says a great deal about my mind. Few young people make the kind of impact the aforementioned teens have made. These kids have literally changed the world. Obviously they are uniquely gifted, but let’s face it, they worked hard for their discoveries. One doesn’t discover celloidsones solely because one’s I.Q. is astronomical. Plus, they were driven to make a difference. To “want” to achieve is huge in this equation.

So cheer up average people…my peeps…we may not save the world from disease or invent new energy capabilities…but we can make small differences along our way through life. If we set out to make a small difference every day we will make the world a better place and at the same time expand the reach of Jesus Christ to others. It may not be curing cancer…but it could nonetheless save a spiritual life, and that’s a very good goal for anyone’s life.

Michael McCullar
Formations Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Jonna Blount
    June 16, 2014 2:29 pm

    Great article, Michael!

  • joanie w comm
    June 16, 2014 2:43 pm

    Just wow. Michael, that blew me away. Great great article. I am very impressed and hopeful. Thanks

  • Richard Killmon
    June 16, 2014 4:08 pm

    Michael, you “nailed it” again, just as you always do! Thanks for all you do to make this world a better place!


  • Mary Lou Parrish
    June 16, 2014 4:16 pm

    I loved this informative article. Just as I was given a new surge of hope in SS Class by your Connie- Sunday morning. The wonderful Father’s Day insights were inspiring. I came home feeling very hopeful. We believers in JESUS – weak as we are and small as we sometimes feel – Still perceive that coming together as dedicated believers – is indeed making us a stronger force for the work of Christ in the World. There is lots of Love for God and for Christ’s Church propelling the JCBC Missions Vision in the midst of Worldly turmoil. ml

  • Mary Lou Parrish
    June 16, 2014 4:26 pm

    Michael I hope you will delete my email to the wrong pastor and correct my mistake … I addressed the wrong Pastor but the right message.. Please forgive me, ( I thought I was commenting too much.}.. I guess I was right. I see so many good things happening but I am not considering FACE BOOK right now…for personal comments… so it is easy to be reading a message and forget the Pastor who wrote it at times.. and with AGE. that happens a LOT.
    “I guess the message is perhaps more important than the messenger?” ..I do remember that statement from somewhere important. HOWEVER, you ARE ALL IMPORTANT TO ALL OF US>>>ml

  • Thanks Michael, thanks for reminding us that as believers we all know that Heavenly rewards will not be passed out to those who cure cancer or discover how to properly grow and harness stem cells (after all Jesus already took care of the eternal life thing) but to those who faithfully do the work of their Lord and their God !


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