Not Yet. Not Ever.

But grow in the grace and the knowledge of or Lord and Savior Jesus Christ… 2 Peter 3:18
It’s easy to be lulled in. I mean, after all, the celebration of Easter has come and gone. The Children’s Musical is now a memory. Spring Break will have its own stories to tell. Most of all, the promise of a glorious, fun-filled summer is now visible. Our tendency is to take the foot off the pedal, to ease off, to stand down.
I’m for it. Really. Count me in.
Except for when it comes to “growing in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” In that, there is never a time to ease off or stand down.
Let us help.
On Wednesday nights from April 15th through May 20th, there are ample opportunities – for everyone – to grow in grace and knowledge. Plan to be here. Here’s the rundown:
Blog040815LIWDavid White will lead these sessions from 6:30-7:30 in room B223/B224. Imagine an existence where how we opt to prioritize and choose to invest our time are a natural aftereffect of the rhythm of our lives. Imagine an existence where we think of ourselves positively – where we see ourselves authentically optimistically – regardless of what we are or what we are not. Regardless of our net worth or our net girth. Imagine an existence where we eradicate bitterness and resentfulness but rather process and utilize our moments of (inevitable) anger to catalyze and fuel productive action. Imagine an existence where substantial chunks of stress and worry melt away. Life is Whacked. Let’s Un-Whack It.
Blog040815Acts-StudyMichael McCullar will lead these sessions from 6:00-6:45 in the Heritage Room. The Study of Acts is an exploration of the beginnings of the Church of Jesus Christ. After the Ascension of Jesus and the Miracle of Pentecost, the disciples and early followers took the message of Jesus in every direction and in time the small groupings of believers formed into New Testament churches. We will study Acts with a particular focus on how the church came to be.
Blog040815Halftime6:00-7:30 in the Middle School Suite. HALFTIME is our mid-week time for students to come to church, eat a meal, play some games in the game rooms, and hangout with their friends.  Then they’ll hear a short, student-led devotion, share some prayer requests, and head back out into their week.   Let’s face it, life is busy! Even for a teenager it can seem like a rat race, or a never ending, all consuming game.  If we are not careful, we can become exhausted and worn out. That’s why on Wednesday nights, in the middle of the week, we have HALFTIME for students.  Just a short break in your week, to catch your breath, catch up with friends, take a few minutes to look at “the playbook” and get ready for the rest of the week.
Blog040815TKTeam Kid is for for preschool and grade school-ers. Each week we will host a special guest from JCBC missions partners like RATL, 7 Bridges, Clear Water Initiative, and the Norcross Co-Op. Add a craft, hands on mission project, cooking and recreation/games and you have a Fun and informative night!
David White
Connections Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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