Our Greatest Marketing Strength

In last week’s blog, I shared a detailed update on the progress being made on a number of fronts as we prepare for the launch of our multi-venue worship experience in August.

One of those fronts is the development of a long-range comprehensive marketing strategy for JCBC.

As you read this blog, a number of us are engaged in an all-day strategy session to initiate that process. Today, representatives from our Marketing Focus Group, our Pastor’s Council, and our Pastoral Staff are hosting a company called “The A Group” (a.k.a. TAG). TAG is an organization specializing in church marketing strategies. TAG is skilled in equipping churches with smart ways to communicate who they are in the particular community in which they find themselves.

Our time today will be spent in what is known as a Stratlab. Through hours of exploration and dialogue, we will be sharing the JCBC story. We will be attempting to articulate to The A Group who we are, and the unique story that has shaped us as a family of faith.

Listening for the distinctive congregational strengths that define the “JCBC experience,” TAG will assist us in developing a tactical plan for communicating those strengths with the communities God has called us to serve in our immediate and surrounding region.

This is an exciting initiative, and is deserving of our best attention and care.
But even as we pour our energies into developing the most creative and intelligent strategy possible, one truth remains.

There is no greater marketing strategy than word of mouth. Period.

It has been said that preaching, or proclaiming the good news, is simply this:
One hungry beggar showing another hungry beggar where they have found food.

Be sure of this. Our aim is to develop a robust marketing strategy so that the world around us knows what life and love are available at JCBC.  But at the end of the day, the greatest strategy available is one we already have.


Your story. Your experience. Your encounter with transforming love.

As we seek out fresh ways to equip our church in sharing such good news, don’t ever forget that our greatest marketing strength is the life you live.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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Faith2Next Update 4-19-17
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95 Days to Launch & A Call to Prayer

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Amen and Amen — It is US and we need to be telling the story to everyone!!!!. Those 10 2 letter words ….If it is to be it is up to me! Amen! I am on board! Let’s have FILL THE ROOM Sunday and everyone must invite a friend or non-church person. Okay, MUST is too demanding — everyone is encourage to invite…. that’s better –

  • Diane Martin
    April 26, 2017 8:52 pm

    In response to Melba, who is a mature exciting Christian that I admire, I think the word must is just the right word. Inviting non- believers and visitors to experience Christ and His love at JCBC is the greatest act of love that we will share with another person. Each person who visits our growing and evolving ministries will be touched in more ways than they can imagine and we will be blessed by them. Tell everyone to join us and become a member of our family. We can not hesitate or blink because our chance to reach that possible visitor is moving at the speed of light. Soon, like me they will be saying “love my church”.

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