95 Days to Launch & A Call to Prayer

As you read this blog, we find ourselves 95 days away from the launch of JCBC’s first ever multi-venue worship experience.  Even now, construction has begun in our Family Life Center to make ready that sacred space for worship (once again).

August 6th is coming, and hearts are high with hope!

We have made remarkable strides in the last two years as a congregation in discerning the call of God upon us. Together, we have glimpsed the bright future God has prepared, and with courage we have mobilized our faith to take a new and next step together.

With 95 days remaining to launch, I want to take this opportunity to issue a call.
A clarion call to congregational prayer.

Over the next 95 days, I am asking you to personally pray for your church, each day!
With multiple preparations underway simultaneously, we need the fervent prayers of the faithful to bind and undergird all our energies and efforts with the adhesion of your love and devotion.

As of today, here are just a few specific items you can lift in your communion with our Lord:

  • Search for Worship Pastor and Tech Director. Our search is going well. We are having very promising conversations and need your prayers as individuals discern the potential call to serve on our team.
  • Development of our Marketing Strategy. As described in a previous blog, we are now in the process of developing a long-term, comprehensive marketing strategy for our church. Pray for the creative process, as we seek ways to empower our members to be our greatest message.
  • Construction Process. The construction process is scheduled to begin this week. Over the next several weeks, we will notice enhancements in the Family Life Center and Sanctuary. Pray for this process, as God will be glorified in new and creative ways through the improvements we bring to our facilities.
  • Faith2Next Momentum. As of 4/23/17, you have faithfully pledged $3,502,296.00. That’s 109% of our $3,200,000.00 Goal! In addition, you have already given $598,531.97 in cash! (That’s nearly $600,000 we will NOT have to borrow for construction). Pray for this exciting momentum to continue. The more participation we receive from our membership, the stronger our future.

There will be more shared as the weeks progress, and the countdown continues.
God is up to something in us. Can you sense it?
To God alone be the glory!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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