
This past Sunday, Pastor Shaun called on us all to Get In The Game.  He called on us, directly, to help meet the continuing and surging need for volunteers in three distinct areas of service – Children’s Ministry, Hospitality, and Technology.  Right now, these areas already require a small army of weekly volunteers.  The need will only grow as we move, together, toward the creation and implementation of dual, simultaneous worship services.  Putting the call for volunteers in context, Shaun said,

“As you do, you are getting in the game.  You are helping POSTURE your church to love others in the name of Christ.”

Posture. A position assumed for a special purpose.  A position of preparedness.  A position of readiness.

Watch the Olympic weightlifter before she tries to snatch twice her body weight over her head.  Watch the swimmer on the starting block, the diver on the platform, the gymnast on the balance beam, the basketball player on the free throw line, the volleyball player waiting to receive a serve, or the archer before letting the arrow fly.  Posture.  Preparedness.  Readiness.

Get In The Game is a campaign to help us posture to love others in the name of Christ.

Here’s how you do it.

  1. Complete the Get In The Game sign-up sheet. You will find one inserted each week in our Order of Worship, at the Main Reception Desk, at the Children’s Ministry Desk, in the Sanctuary foyer and various other places around the church.  Choose one or more of the volunteer areas listed.
  2. Return your completed form to the Main Reception Desk, the Children’s Ministry Desk or in the Sanctuary foyer and receive the highly coveted, blue I’m In The Game arm bracelet! Wear it to church every week as a symbol of readiness.  (In fact, wear it every day as a conversation starter during your routine coming and going.)
  3. Within days of submitting your completed form, you will hear from the leaders of those specific teams (Children’s Ministry, Hospitality, Technology) with details and instructions of what to do next.
  4. Mark your calendar…save the date…and plan to attend the organization and training sessions to be held after church on September 11th for each of the groups. Lunch will be served.  Details will follow.

Posture.  Get ready.  Get prepared.

Get In The Game!

David White
Connections Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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