The JCBC “Shared Life” Survey

Jesus said “I came that they might have life, and have it to the fullest.” (John 10:10)

We believe that the “fullest life” is the life Jesus talked about everywhere he went.
It is a life characterized by true peace—peace with God, peace with others, peace with self.
It is a life infused with meaning and momentum–fueled by grace, funded by mercy.
The fullest life is one of abundant joy, contentment, spiritual depth, and extraordinary beauty.

He called this life “The Kingdom of God.”

When he pointed to the Kingdom in all of his teachings, his parables, his signs and wonders, he didn’t speak in terms of some far off kingdom that would one day come. Rather, he spoke of that kingdom breaking into the kingdoms of this world, here and now, right before the eyes of those who have faith to see.

At JCBC, we believe everything we do should be a passionate pursuit of that Kingdom.
The pathways to that pursuit are: connections, formations, mobilization, and worship.

We say it this way: We are connected for community, formed for fruitfulness, and mobilized for mission, in a shared life of authentic worship.

In recent days, we have begun the early stages of a long-range visioning process at JCBC.
In a little more than two years, we anticipate (by God’s grace) the complete and final payoff of our outstanding debt. When that happens, we will be poised for greater ministry opportunities than ever before—unencumbered by the yoke of debt.

As such, we begin now to envision our new and next era of ministry in our shared life together.
One of the first steps in that exciting journey is to seek to understand the effectiveness of our ministries in the lives of JCBC members. Now is the season to evaluate how well we are connecting, forming, mobilizing, and worshipping in pursuit of the Kingdom life Jesus came to provide.

That is where the JCBC Shared Life Survey comes in.

Within a matter of days, you will be receiving a survey designed to learn more about you, your spiritual journey, and your personal experience as a vital part of our congregation’s shared life.

When you receive the survey, I want to ask every one of you to find the time to complete it.
The more responses we have, the better informed we will be in discerning a vision for our future. The survey should only take 10 to 20 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous.

Last week, I wrote of God’s “ever-up-to-somethingness,” because I believe with all my heart, God is always up to something within us. This survey is a vital step in discerning what that something may be. I look forward to hearing back from each one of you.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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God’s Ever-Present-Up-To-Somethingness
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Why Taking the “JCBC Shared Life Survey” Matters

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