Why Taking the “JCBC Shared Life Survey” Matters

So far, we have had a terrific response to our JCBC Shared Life Survey, and I am grateful to all who have taken the time to give us feedback.

The information you provide about your spiritual journey and your experience at JCBC will be invaluable to us as we continue to discern God’s will, and cast a vision for our future together! So, thank you and keep ‘em coming!

There is a very important reason your feedback is needed. See, as I shared in last week’s blog, each of us is invited by God to experience the fullness of life offered in Jesus Christ. This is good news for all!

But, here’s the rub: if you choose to accept that invitation, it means a new way of life. It means an altered/re-ordered way to enter the world and exist in our Lord’s name. And, understanding that way of life, pursuing it, cultivating it, growing deeply within it, is all the responsibility of each and every individual believer. As I say to every 4D class who enters JCBC: “At this church we believe it is your responsibility as a follower of Christ to take ownership over your own personal spiritual journey. In other words, your spiritual life is ON YOU to develop, cultivate, enrich, and deepen! This is what the Apostle Paul means when he implores believers to ‘…work out your salvation in fear and trembling.’” (Phil. 2:12)

So, it is true: It IS on you to own your faith.
But it is on YOUR CHURCH to empower and equip you to do it well!

That is why the JCBC Shared Life Survey is so important!
We want to know how you are doing in pursuit of YOUR spiritual growth, so that your church can best equip you with resources and pathways that empower you on that pursuit!
This survey is designed to gather that kind of information.

So, you can see why it is so important to us to get your feedback…so that JCBC continues to be a church that empowers its members to live out their truest calling in Christ.

The Survey will be open until Wednesday, March 6th at midnight.
You can take it now, by following this link. (One time per person, please.)

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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