Two Reasons to Attend Blue Christmas Tonight!

Tonight, December 4th, at 6:00 p.m. we will host our annual Blue Christmas Service in the JCBC Family Life Center. Blue Christmas is one of the most poignant worship services we offer. It is a service of comfort and hope for those who are sad during the holidays.

I want to offer two reasons why this service is for everyone.

First: If you are struggling during this season (for whatever reason), YOU need a space to bring your pain.

We are too prone, in our culture, to deny our pain. We fear acknowledging our woundedness because it reveals places in our lives where we appear weak, broken, and imperfect.

We avoid vulnerability at all costs—mostly because we are not sure what others will do with it.
Will they judge? Condemn? Placate? Patronize?

It is a risky venture holding out one’s heart.
That’s why you need a sanctuary—a safe place to be present with your pain and find healing.

Blue Christmas is intended to be just that.
A sanctuary.

A safe place where no one will offer cliché platitudes for your pain, but rather, practice the power of simply being present with and for one another, so that the hurting among us will find strength in the company of Christ and one another.

Second: Somebody ELSE needs the power of YOUR quiet presence in order to heal.

So, what do you do if you’re not really struggling this Christmas?
I mean what if you don’t personally need the kind of comfort or healing I’m talking about?
What if you are in in a season when things are actually, honestly, going quite well?

Then you are who we need at this service the MOST!
We need the strength of your presence. We need the compassion of Christ that is within you, to be made available to our sisters and brothers who are struggling.

Your simple, silent presence is a reminder to the hurting that they are part of a wider community of faith, a larger communion of imperfect people with unfinished stories.

The fuller our crowd at Blue Christmas, the richer the healing! Why? Because no one knows why you are there or why you light a candle. They will only know the deep sigh of relief that comes by knowing they are not alone.

Our service begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center, with pre-worship music beginning at 5:45 p.m. I do pray you will be with us.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your Pastor?
Well, I do.


Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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2 Reasons to Attend “Christmas at Johns Creek” This Weekend

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sounds so powerful and safe. Thank you all for offering this Safe Place of No Judgement that is truly a safe place to mourn loss.


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