VBS at JCBC ‘Walk This Way!’

VBS1This has been an awesome week of Vacation Bible School.  We have taken nearly 300 children on a journey this week as they are learning to Walk This Way!!! From classroom activities and snacks, to recreation and crafts, each day we have looked at a new part of the story of Paul and his journey! These kids are learning to walk God’s way!!!

On day one, we asked the question, Who Is God? And what we learned from the story of Paul is that if you want to find out who God is, then you have to find out more about Jesus. Paul had an amazing encounter with God, with a bright light, on his way to Damascus, that lead him to follow the One who he was once against. Our kids learned that we can find out more about Jesus through God’s word, the Bible.

VBS2Day two was just as great. Paul’s journey led us to learn that although he couldn’t see God physically, he could see and experience God through the love of others. Ananias and Barnabas showed Paul what God was all about by the love that they showed him.

Day three was no different than the others, it was fantastic. We asked the kids the question, if I follow Jesus will things get better for me? We looked at Paul’s story where he was following Jesus and ended up being put in prison. We answered the question by saying that it’s not about us anyway, it’s about what God is doing through us. And God was doing amazing things in the life of Paul, even if it wasn’t necessarily better.

I am sure that tonight, day 4, will be just as great. We will be asking the question, How do I know following Jesus is the right way? Please be in prayer for me and the rest of our awesome volunteers, as we present to these children what it means to follow Jesus and they can know that following Jesus is the right way.

We have been incredibly blessed with over 150 talented, gifted, willing and awesome volunteers that have given children an amazing experience at JCBC. This week has been successful because of them and their hard work, their time, and the massive amounts of love and fun that they have poured out on these kiddos.

We have also been raising money, in a Boys vs. Girls format, for two mission opportunities, Clean Water and Lighthouse Family Retreat. I know that God is going to use the pennies and quarters (and yes, some checks and paper money too) to do amazing things, literally around the world. These two organizations will reap the benefits of our generous kids who have given from their hearts.

We have had an awesome week at VBS. Praying that mighty seeds have been planted in the hearts and minds of children and that each one of them will, at some point, enter into a relationship with Jesus who wants to be their friend forever.

Thanks for everyone’s prayers!

Cass Brannan
Children’s Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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