Vote for Church

So, yesterday was election day.
Did you vote? I hope so. Like many of you, I voted early.

Few things move me more than stepping into a voting booth, to exercising the freedom and responsibility I have as a citizen to make my voice heard;
to take a stand for something or someone;
to vote the convictions of my conscience.

When you vote, you are saying “I believe in this thing…this cause…the candidate…this idea…”

In the earlier hours of yesterday, many stood in line at polling locations, waiting in the rain.
They did so, because something or someone on that ballot was so important to them that they considered it worth it, even if they went home a little soggy.

In a similar way, when it comes to church, we have an opportunity to cast a vote too.
Every time we show up;
each week that we choose to be present with and for one another;
whenever we say yes to a call to serve, to love, to go, to do, to volunteer, to jump in;
we are voting for church.

One of the most powerful ways we do that is with one of these:

It is a 2019 Unified Ministry Pledge card.

When you fill out this card and turn it in, you are saying “I believe in JCBC.”
You are saying “I believe in who we are and what we’re doing, and I vote for what God is up to in our life together as a church.”

So, that is what I am asking you to do.
You can mail in your card, or submit it online by following this link.
It’s simple and quick. You can do it in less than two minutes.

I’m asking you to join me.
I’m asking you to cast your vote…for church.

Rev. Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Barbara Conlin
    November 7, 2018 3:07 pm

    We vote for this church! We love it and the people. It provides many opportunities for serving and service in places around the globe.

    Thank you!


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