When Mama Ain’t Happy…

Johns Creek Baptist will be the place to be this Sunday, May 10th. It’s Mother’s Day, and we have plans to celebrate in ways that all can be blessed and affirmed! Here are just three of the ways we will honor motherhood together…
Parent-Child Dedication
During worship, we will celebrate together as five families present themselves before God and the church, in a Parent-Child Dedication. We will bless and affirm the children, hear the parents devote themselves to a lifetime of faithful parenting, and we as a congregation, will stand in solidarity with the families, renewing our congregational commitment to helping raise these children in the love of the Lord.
Pictures with Mothers and Others
One special way we will honor moms, is by having pictures taken together on that special day. We encourage you to bring your mother or grandmother to the courtyard or Heritage Room, both before Sunday School, or after worship, where our photographers will take your picture and have it printed for you.
Is there a special woman other than your mother who has been influential in your life? There may be “other” women in the church who have loved and nurtured you in unique ways over the years. We encourage you to honor them by asking them to be photographed with you.
Mothers’ Day Sermon: When Mama Ain’t Happy…
One thing is sure. The experience of motherhood is not the same for everyone.
Some have incredibly rich and nurturing relationships with their mothers.
Others do not.
Some who have longed to become mothers may have tried for years, and for reasons unknown, simply cannot.
Some mothers love the infant years, with nursing and swaddling brand new rhythms of nurture and care. Others, struggle during those same years under a dark cloud of postpartum depression, feeling guilty for their despair, and fearing no one in the world could possibly understand.
Whether motherhood has come too soon, or not soon enough…
Whether your children are attentive to you in your later years, or barely ever call…
Whether you know the unique joy of watching your children grow into adulthood, or you have endured the unspeakable horror of attending your own child’s funeral…
Whether mother’s day is a reminder of all that is good, or the one thing that is missing, there is a place for you at JCBC this Sunday.
The sermon for the day will attempt to honor the wide range of experiences that define motherhood, and moreover womanhood, as we consider the many ways in which scripture points to God’s own divine attributes that are seen best in women and mothers across the ages.
I encourage you to be with us this Sunday.
And bring someone special.
Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Today’s Mother’s Day sermon is probably the best Mother’s Day sermon I’ve ever heard. And, I’ve been listening to mother’s day sermons for over 40 years!


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