Worship Volunteers Needed

You know how to show up.
You just do.

More than two years ago, (in January of 2015) when I called us together for our first State of the Church Address, to consider what God may be “up to” in us and among us as a church…you showed up.

When it became clear that having multiple worship options was emerging as real interest among our people, and we needed trusted leaders to serve on a worship study focus group…you showed up.

In January of 2016, when we invited the entire congregation into a season of discernment and conversation through the JCBC Worship Dialogues…you showed up (in record breaking numbers).

In May of 2016, when we called for a church vote on the decision to add a new contemporary worship service…you showed up (with a unanimous yes!).

When we needed leaders to serve on two critical implementation teams, charged with the task of designing our multi-venue format, you showed up.

And when we launched the Faith2Next campaign to fund the project and secure our future…you showed up (by surpassing our goal by more than 111%).

The selfless, servant-hearted spirit of JCBC is alive.
You know how to show up.
You just do.

That is why now I am calling on that same spirit, as we make ready the launch of our new multi-venue worship experience, which is just around the corner.

When we begin offering two simultaneous worship services, we will need a number of new volunteers to join the ranks of the dozens of faithful members who are already serving in our traditional/blended service.

There are 4 areas of service where multiple volunteers will be needed:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Lighting
  • Hospitality

Our needs in Audio, Video, and Lighting (AVL) are crucial to implementing our multi-venue experience. For this reason, we are hiring a full time Technical Director who will oversee these needs and train volunteers.

We are seeking volunteers now who would be interested in learning how to run sound boards, lighting panels and cameras as a part of this vital ministry.

We also need more volunteers in our Hospitality Ministry to serve as door greeters and worship hosts for those who come to our new service. David White, our Connections Pastor, will train these volunteers.

Whether you consider yourself qualified to serve in any of these roles or not, you are invited to a brief informational lunch to learn more!

On Sunday, July 16th immediately following worship, we will host a simple (and brief) lunch in our Heritage Room for anyone interested in becoming a new volunteer. There, we will explain what each volunteer role involves and how you can get involved.

All you have to do is show up.
But then, that’s something you do well.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Benjamin Chen
    July 5, 2017 11:54 am

    I would like to production

  • Pat Jones and Mike Jones now greet and give out programs at the doors to the main auditorium. We plan on continuing that hospitality service into the future. Consider us volunteers for those posts. We will attend the informational meeting on Sunday.

    Mike Jones


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