Another Vital List to Check Twice

The month of December is filled with activity and commitment. Remaining faithful to everyone and everything can leave us a bit harried and hurried. Amid the merry chaos of it all, it is easy to let important matters fall through the cracks of our consciousness.

As you make your list and check it twice, be sure to remember your church in these important ways at the end of 2016…

  • Help JCBC finish 2016 financially strong!
    At present, we are behind in our expected contributions for the year. As we near the end of 2016, and prepare for an extraordinary year of ministry in 2017, consider what you and your family can do right now to help your church make up the deficit and finish strong. You can make a one-time contribution right now by following this link.
  • Submit your “Show Up / Step Up” pledge for 2017!
    Nearly 500 families have already done so, representing a total pledge of 71% of the needed funds for 2017. Many, however, have yet to declare their support for the coming year. Both, your frequent presence and your financial generosity are critical to the health and vibrancy of our congregation, and to your own family’s spiritual growth. Pledging your support in both ways enables us to coordinate our ministry strategy with excellence. If you have not yet pledged, take the next 2 minutes and do so by following this link.
  • Reset your online giving pattern for 2017! (This one is a must.)
    If you currently give recurring contributions through the JCBC website, you must manually reset and renew your recurring generosity at the end of your term. You should have received an email already about this. Simply follow the link to renew your commitment. It is a very simple process and takes only a minute to complete.  If you do not remember this step, the automatic drafts from your bank will simply stop with no further notification. Whether you are renewing your online commitment, or would like to begin one for the first time, you may do so by following this link.

Thank you for taking the time to love your church fully and faithfully!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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