Discernment Retreat this Weekend

There is a very important event taking place in the life of our church this weekend, and I am asking for your prayers.

This Friday and Saturday (March 22-23) is our Discernment Retreat. Leaders from the Pastoral Staff, Pastor’s Council, and a few key areas in our church ministry will gather to take our next step in envisioning our future.

You may recall from my previous blog, we have been very busy over the past several months preparing for our next season of vision-casting and strategic-planning. As we study the first 25 years of our congregational narrative, we have pursued a number of important questions to consider about our identity and mission within the ever-changing world around us. We have gathered crucial demographic data for our immediate “neighborhood” surrounding the church, and thanks to your fantastic response to the JCBC Shared-Life Survey, we have helpful intel on where many of our strengths and growth needs are for our membership.

Equipped with this data, and poised with open minds and hearts, we focus our energies this weekend toward prayerfully imagining our future, with hope! We welcome the expert guidance of Rev. Susan Beaumont, this weekend. Susan will offer tremendous insight and non-biased perspective, as we seek to interpret all the data, and deliberately tune our hearts to discern God’s will.

So, I am asking for your prayers.

For your sincere, intentional, unceasing prayers, this weekend.

God is up to something within us and around us. While this has always been true, I have sensed a surge of God’s “ever-up-to-somethingness” lately. Can you sense it?

For a reminder of the long arc of our vision process, and what the next steps will be, read here.

Have I told you lately, how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.


Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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The Fig Tree and the Temple, Mark 11:12-25

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