JCBC Deacons: Our Servant-Leaders

One of the great freedoms we cherish in Baptist life is the freedom known as local church autonomy. Each local congregation, we believe, is free to practice faith, exercise church polity, interpret sacred scripture and select its own leaders—all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and without the interference or coercion of any outside agency or hierarchy.

Each year at JCBC, we have a wonderful opportunity to exercise this freedom when we nominate members to serve in the Deacon Ministry.

Deacon (de’ ken): from διάκονος (diakonos) – servant

Deacons are spiritual leaders and servants of our Lord’s church.
In my experience, JCBC Deacons are the most compassionate and committed servant-leaders I have ever known. They love Christ with their all their hearts, and are passionately devoted to the care of His church.

Take a moment to hear from a few deacons about what it means to them to serve.

In scripture, there are two principle passages that describe the character and qualifications of deacons. Namely, they are Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3. I encourage you to check out both passages. Here is a brief sketch or composite of a deacon’s heart, as we consider these passages:

  • Deacons must be serious about faith and committed to service. (1 Timothy 3:8)
  • Deacons are to speak the truth and live their faith consistently. (1 Timothy 3:8)
  • Deacons are responsible stewards of their possessions and do not indulge in much wine, nor are they greedy for money. (1 Timothy 3:8)
  • Deacons, in marriage, are loyal, committed, and faithful in the management and care of their families. (1 Timothy 3: 4-5, 11-12)
  • Deacons hold fast to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. (1 Timothy 3:9)
  • Deacons are not rude, but reasonable and faithful in all things. (1 Timothy 3:11)
  • Deacons are reconcilers, guardians of church-unity, and caretakers for the membership. (Acts 6: 1-6)
  • Deacons are members who are in good standing, full of the Spirit and wisdom. (Acts 6:5)
  • Deacons are to be tested in their commitment, and set apart for their task by prayers and the laying on of hands. (Acts 6:6)

As you read about these characteristics, does anyone come to mind at JCBC?
If so, we want you to nominate them for deacon service.

The nomination process is quick and easy. Simply follow this link and submit (one-at-a-time) as many names as the Lord impresses upon your heart. If you prefer to submit a paper nomination, you can find them at multiple “nomination drop-box” locations around the church.

I want to strongly encourage all JCBC members to make your nominations now.
As you do, you not only exercise this cherished freedom, but you practice (in a very tangible way) your care of the church we all love so dearly.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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