Life is Whacked. Un-Whack it.

Text Connection: 2 Timothy 1:7 – “God gave us his Spirit. And the Spirit doesn’t make us weak and fearful. Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves.” (NIRV)

Wouldn’t it be great if it were just that simple? What if I told you that it is, indeed, possible? What if I said that that it is possible to significantly diminish the whacked(ness), the out-of-control(ness), the hither-and-to(ness), the adrift(ness), the life-on-a-treadmill(ness) of our lives? Notice I did not say easy. But it is possible.

Imagine an existence where how we opt to prioritize and choose to invest our time are a natural aftereffect of the rhythm of our lives. Imagine an existence where we think of ourselves positively – where we see ourselves authentically optimistically – regardless of what we are or what we are not. Regardless of our net worth or our net girth. Imagine an existence where we eradicate bitterness and resentfulness but rather process and utilize our moments of (inevitable) anger to catalyze and fuel productive action. Imagine an existence where substantial chunks of stress and worry melt away. Not all of it, of course. We are, after all, living and breathing. But a sizable hunk of it.

Imagine that existence for yourself. For your children. For your families. What would that do for you?

Now…don’t imagine it. Work on it.

The next four weeks of our MidStream Doing Life Seminars are dedicated to this task. We are NOT offering a protocoled process methodology for arranging your day-to-day life. We are NOT unpacking the latest and greatest ideas from the self-help gurus.

We ARE offering a framework. A framework for thinking. A real one. An honest one.

Connections Pastor David White will be leading this 4 week session (along with some input from professional practitioners) on March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th from 6:30-7:30 at JCBC in Room B223/B224. Come. Invite your friends and neighbors. Anyone and everyone is welcome.

Life is whacked. Let’s un-whack it.

David White
Connections Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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2 Comments. Leave new

    March 3, 2015 8:16 am

    Pastor David this sounds to good to miss.. a possibility that is open to us if we are willing to
    Listen and Learn… The Holy Bible is already relevant ” and can be trusted” As Pastor Shaun points out every Sunday in Worship service. Some of us just need a little help in order to sort things out, So that we might ” rightly divide” the Truth of those Holy Words through Faith in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    • Rev, Harold Zwald
      March 3, 2015 5:57 pm

      DAVID, it was a joy to see you again on Sunday, and enjoy the Progressive Class (With my son, JOHN , teaching it) and the Grand Fellowship we all enjoyed the Worship Service as well ! Currently I am honored to be the Pastor Emeritus of Druid Hills Baptist Church,, and now serving in Sunday School with my Wife,JUNE at the Decatur FBC
      Thanks for your continuing friendship over many years, and let’s Pray often for each other, In Agape Love, HAROLD & JUNE ZWALD (Decatur GA.)


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