Our Unified “Yes”

Last week, our congregation voted to approve the recommendations of the JCBC Worship Study Report. The report included four significant motions, all of which passed unanimously. If you were not present at our Congregational Preview sessions, or at the Special Called Church Conference, you may read the list of detailed recommendations here.

The congregation’s positive response to the report was the result of nearly two years of preparation, research, dialogue and discernment. I am so grateful to the many JCBC leaders who devoted their energies and love to this endeavor.

From the earliest meetings, the desire among the original worship study group, and then subsequently among the worship implementation teams has been to propose a way forward that is both responsible and courageous; prudent and yet fueled by faith. I believe they have succeeded. I am exceedingly grateful for their hard work and devotion to Christ’s church.

Our unified “yes” last Wednesday, stands as a bold expression of solidarity and faith as a congregation. Once again, our church has chosen to live into a new era of vitality and strength, as we attempt new forms of ministry never before tried at JCBC.

We now turn our energies to the next several months, as we prepare for the launch of our two-venue worship design in August. There are many plans to be made, and much work to be done. But by God’s grace, we will get there in the same way we have come this far: together.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your Pastor?
To God be the glory!

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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