Parenting In Today’s Crazy World!

It happens every year… one moment you are enjoying a calm summer evening as a family and then you blink… the kids have already missed three soccer practices, someone is already failing math class, and you are already hearing if you can’t make the German Club’s Labor Day trip to Hamburg then your child is going to fall behind. School has been back for less than a month and you have already volunteered or been “voluntold” to be home room mom, coach little league, cook dinner for the entire theater club before Thursday’s performance of “Fiddler on the Roof”, and now that pesky Youth Minister is calling from Church saying they need chaperones for Fall Retreat.

We interrupt your weekly church blog to in fact tell you,
yes we do need chaperones for fall retreat
and if you are interested, please email Kep at

We are living in a Crazy World, and it seems like every time we turn around there’s a new challenge for parents to navigate. Life moves at a thousand miles an hour and with no warning, what little break we had in the summer has ended and we are in the throes of pumpkin spiced lattes, packed schedules, and all that Fall has to bring. The start of a new semester can come with so many opportunities, expectations, and pressures for our kids, not to mention that it’s up to you to help them navigate all of this.

That is why next week we are going to press pause from all the mess and talk about “Parenting in Today’s Crazy World.” Pastor Annie and Pastor Kep will be leading a round table discussion about what it looks like for us to “Parent Together” and talk about ways that we can partner both as families and a community of faith to make sure that we are raising our children right. We will discuss things like screen time, social media, over committed calendars, and more importantly how to create space for kids to be kids, families to be families, and gaps for God to enter. Because we all know that it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a church to love one.

Parenting Seminar: Parenting In Today’s Crazy World
Wednesday, September 5, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m. – Family Life Center.
Childcare will be provided for birth – 5th grade for those choosing not to
participate in iPraise or weePraise choirs.

Annie and Kep

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Bob Sorenson & Peggy Ann Sorenson
    September 25, 2021 10:48 pm

    I have a wonderful idea for all families raising children. This is the way
    my wife and I raised 5 wonderful children all of whom still are living and raising
    children in the same way: We had no television in our house and we did not
    attend movies. I assure you………our house was a happy one, a productive one
    and our family now numbers 19 of us…..and still no television, radio and
    now limited internet. Bob and Peggy Ann Sorenson


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