Save the Date! For JCBC’s 25th Anniversary Celebration

I’m calling on our entire JCBC family to mark your calendars for Sunday, October 21, 2018.
On that date, we celebrate our 25th anniversary!
This is a day you will not want to miss!!

For several weeks now, a task force has been working on making our 25th anniversary a day to remember. Here is a brief glance at what you can expect on that special day…

Church-wide Fellowship Breakfast
This is one day when you will certainly want to arrive early. Beginning at 9:45 a.m., we will have a church-wide fellowship breakfast in the Family Life Center and Heritage Room.

There will be no Sunday School on this day. Instead, all Sunday School communities and classes will mingle together in our shared space, as we enjoy conversation, laughter, live music and breakfast foods. This is an opportunity to embrace the grace and beauty of our multigenerational congregation. During this hour, we will abide in the joy of fellowship across the various ages and stages that make our congregation strong. A variety of breakfast foods will be prepared by JCBC Chef, Chris Harwell, and will feature (among other items) his world-famous “grits bar!” Live (background) music will be provided by Adam Courtney and band, and will culminate with the unveiling of an original worship song, written by Adam for the occasion of our 25th anniversary!

This first part of our celebration is something you will not want to miss!

“State of the Church” Combined Worship Service
For our 11:00 a.m. worship hour, we will all gather in the Sanctuary this day for one unified worship celebration. During this service, we will lift our voices together in unity, be inspired by powerful music, and offer our heartfelt gratitude for God’s enduring faithfulness throughout our church’s life. We will mark the occasion with a couple of high moments in worship. And, on this day, I will deliver my annual State of the Church Address, in which we reflect on where God has brought us thus far, and look forward (with courage) to envision where God may be calling us in our new and next era of faith.

The morning will be filled with great joy and maybe even a few surprises. One thing is certain. It will not be the same without you! So, take a moment to reserve that date as a commitment on your calendar.

We have amazing days of adventure ahead as a congregation.
And I want you to experience it!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your Pastor?
Well, I do.

Rev. Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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Night of Hymns

5 Comments. Leave new

  • Looking forward to Oct. 21st. John and I were charter members and John was Deacon
    Emeritus when he died on August 1, 2014. Many happy memories.

    Louise Wiley

  • Oh what a day, October 21, 2018 will be. It certainly was 25 yrs ago. Jim wanted to get there extra early to help
    Uncle Bill cut the ribbon. Big idea in a ten year old child’s head. Well, it did not happen exactly as Jim pictured but it did in a re-enactment. Susan Wright, Ivey Hansard, Linda and Jim Martin were the charter kid members
    ( I am sure I skipping some ). I along with some truly wonderful others joined Louise and John in being charter
    members. Chamblee members and a group of “x” Wieucans formed a strong bond and grew a church filled with love. Now we are big filled with that same love and many, many more loving friends. We, Johns Creek Baptist Church, are indeed blessed by God. As Bill would say, “It has been a good da.y. God has richly blessed us”.

  • Congratulations on 25 years! My wife and I were members for 15 years when Bill Self was the leader. Glad the tradition continues and is in good hands with Shaun.
    Bob Farmer

  • David Blankenship
    September 6, 2018 1:24 pm

    Yes, what a legacy in our wonderful history. Jan and I were among the original members, having served at Wieuca for many years, then “wondering” in Chicagoland, trying to find a church while we worked there, only to return to find the Self’s leading the Chamblee “family” to John’s Creek……my, what a fellowship of faithful believers, filled with such a loving Spirit and WISDOM and foresight. I will never forget the day when Bill told me to “move on, Shaun’s the man for today”…..I was struggling. Well, Bill was so right and I’ve learned to love, respect and appreciate Shaun leading us in these very challenging times in the life of the church. We are so blessed and we look forward to the next 25 years!

  • […] years ago, today! For a quarter of a century, God has been up to something good at JCBC. And four days from today, we will gather to […]


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