Show Up…Step Up 2017

JCBC Family,

This Sunday, as a part of our ongoing “Be the Body” sermon series, we will introduce a new and exciting commitment emphasis we are calling “Show Up…Step Up…2017.”

In order to truly live up to and into our fullest identity as the Body of Christ, it requires the love, devotion, and ACTION of every member. That is why I am calling on our congregation to prayerfully and deliberately pledge their commitment in two specific ways:
Attendance and Generosity.

In an era when (nationally) both church attendance and financial generosity are in decline, it is imperative that strong churches like ours take the lead in modeling better standards and higher expectations for the worldwide Body of Christ.

On our pledge cards this year, you will notice an opportunity to declare our intentions as a Body to SHOW UP (in attendance)…and STEP UP (in generosity) in tangible ways. In addition to our regular call for JCBC members to pledge financial generosity, we are also challenging ourselves to pledge how many Sundays we will attend Sunday School in 2017.

That’s right. We are calling on ourselves to pledge BOTH, our physical presence and our financial generosity, for the church we love and the Lord we serve.

So, I am asking you to join me (and the King family) in pledging your commitment.

Doing so takes 3 simple steps: PRAY…PLAN…PLEDGE.

      1. Pray. Ask what God would have you and/or your family pledge (in attendance AND generosity) in the coming year.
      2. Plan. Take time to discuss your calendar and your current giving habits as a family. Deliberately plan to accept God’s challenge to grow in showing up and stepping up!
      3. Pledge. Finally, complete and submit a pledge card, indicating your intentions. You can do so in a variety of ways. This week, you will receive a physical copy of the card by mail. You can submit that card in the envelope provided. Additionally, there will be pledge cards at church in Sunday School, in the pews during worship, or available around campus. Or, you may choose to submit your pledge RIGHT NOW by clicking the card below.

This next year promises to be a monumental year in the life and future of Johns Creek Baptist. With the faithful commitment of our entire Body, and God’s sufficient Grace, there is no limit to what can be accomplished within us, among us, and through us for the Kingdom.

Thank you for prayerfully doing your part to “Be the Body!”

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church


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