Sunday is “Jill Jenkins Day” at JCBC!

This Sunday, May 17, 2015 Johns Creek Baptist will honor the legacy of Reverend Jill Jenkins. For more than 36 years, “Ms. Jill” has devoted her life to ministry with children and their families, and JCBC has been blessed to share in 20 of those years. That is why I hope you will join us this Sunday, as we honor Jill in her retirement, and celebrate the beginning of this new and next chapter in her life.
Here are 2 ways to be a part of this special day in Jill’s life, and in the life of our church:
Be present.
This Sunday, we will recognize Jill during worship with a video tribute and the presentation of a gift symbolic of her fruitful ministry among us for so many years.
In keeping with the theme of faithful perseverance, I will preach a sermon entitled, “The Priceless Value of Staying the Course.” Not only will we honor Jill’s own example of discipline and consistency over time, we will also consider the redemptive power of what it means for all of us to learn to steadily put one foot in front of the other through the joys and challenges of our journey.
After worship, we will dismiss to the gymnasium where we will host a reception in Jill’s honor. There will be light refreshments, and an opportunity for you to express your own love and gratitude to Jill on this special day. Your presence will be a great gift to her, and I encourage you to come.
[Please Note: In addition to the reception after worship, Jill will also be present in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:30 a.m. for a special time of greeting for children and youth. Families may choose to visit her prior to Sunday School. Also, some Children and Youth Sunday School classes may visit during class if they choose.]
Be generous.
Another way to honor Jill in her retirement is through a financial gift. JCBC members are encouraged to express their gratitude in the form of a love offering.
We ask members to make their contributions directly to JCBC, and place “Children’s Pastor Recognition Fund” in the memo line. Special envelopes are available at church, and one hundred percent of your gift will go to Jill. By contributing through the church, those who wish may receive tax credit. In addition, it gives us an opportunity as a congregation to make one unified expression of love.
You may also make your contribution online.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Online Generosity”
  3. Click the “Click Here To Make One Time Gift”
  4. Choose “Children’s Pastor Recognition Fund” from “Choose a Fund” dropdown tab.

If you wish to contribute now, you may do so by following this link.
Don’t miss the excitement. Be present. Be generous. Be JCBC!
By God’s Good Grace,
Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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  • Jill,
    There are no words to express my love and gratitude that you were lead to the Children’s Ministry. Paige and Emily were both very young preschoolers when you came to RFBC. Under your love, guidance and leadership, they came to an early knowledge and love for Jesus and later each made a public confession that Jesus is Lord and then baptism followed for each. They were thrilled a few years later to go to your wedding. We were sad when you went to JCBC, but then after their college graduation and marriage, they both made the decision to attend JCBC and of course I followed. Then a new generation of Ms. Jill lovers followed with KK and Luca. But I think the Sunday you baptized their Daddy was when I loved and appreciated you the most. Paige and I watched KK’s baptism on the computer because I was in Virginia following the birth of Paige’s 2nd daughter. I know I will continue to see you at Church & maybe I’ll see you in Choir.
    Love You


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