There are so many great things going on at JCBC it is hard to keep up. The following is a brief overview of exciting news and opportunities.
UPDATE ON ANNUAL MISSIONS OFFERING: Thank you for being part of a record breaking offering to missions. We gave $156,717.00 this year. Here is how it will be broken down:

45% to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship missions – $70,521.00

40% Clean Water/Sustainable Living Projects – $62,686.00

15% Local Missional Projects – $23, 507.00

We have already pledged to place a water system in the Dominican Republic in October and will soon allocate monies for similar work in Ethiopia. Locally we will be increasing our participation and funding to unprecedented levels. Thanks again for the support!
CLEAN WATER PROJECT OPPORTUNITY: If you’d like to be part of a hot, dirty and hard missional project, let’s chat about the October 3-10 clean water installation in the D.R. Yes, it is hard work as we build the water house that will hold the reverse osmosis, four-cycle purification system, but it is also a way to save and improve lives in a rural slum area while sharing the gospel. This will be a life-changer (and the life changed might be your own!).
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY UPDATE: The search for our next Children’s Pastor is going extremely well and the summer is fully programmed and staffed. All in all, we are in excellent shape. I will be sending out regular progress reports, so rest easy parents and church family, things are going well. If you have questions don’t hesitate to call or email me, or Shelaine.
V.B.S. NEWS: Great news, our early enrollment is over 300, which is a number we haven’t seen in several years. Molly McNeese and Karley Brown are leading this summer’s event. Pray that God will move in unique ways in the minds and hearts of our children. Our VBS is a developmentally appropriate setting for kids to grow in their understanding of God’s love for them and what it means to be a missional person. It’s not too late to take part in the May 31-June 3 school, you may register on the opening night.
SUMMER ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: The new term is set for June 7-28 with a unique combination of our twenty adult S.S. communities into ten groupings. A special arc of lessons has been created for June study. In July ALL adults will meet in the Gym for a special three-week mini-session titled On Being Baptist that I will lead.
GWINNETT BRAVES ON JUNE 22: Calling all baseball fans, we will celebrate JCBC Night at Coolray Field on Monday June 22. The Gwinnett Braves are the Atlanta Braves Triple-A team, and their ballpark is a smaller, cozier version of Turner Field. All seats are good ones, the food is cheap and caliber of play is exceptional. Tickets to JCBC Night are only $5.00 and can be purchased at the church. More details will be provided in the Staff Blog on Friday.
Until next time…
Michael McCullar
Formations Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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JCBC Night at Gwinnett Braves

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