Trunk or Treat…Making Connections that Count

In our current sermon series, Love My Church, we are taking a close look at the abundant life that is made possible in Jesus Christ, and are imagining how the church is uniquely called to empower and equip such a life.

I have suggested that to be fully alive in Christ means that at JCBC, we are…

CONNECTED for community…

FORMED for fellowship…

MOBILIZED for mission…

in a shared life of authentic WORSHIP.

In this past Sunday’s sermon, the focus of our study was on what it means to be connected for community. Believing that we are not meant to do life alone, the church is charged with the unique calling to help people make and maintain life-giving connections with one another and with God.

One great opportunity to do that very thing is coming up in one week.
It is our annual Trunk or Treat festival.

TOT1Next Wednesday, October 29th, John’s Creek Baptist will welcome well in excess of a thousand neighbors onto our campus. Children, teens and adults alike will come dressed in a wide array of costumes, and will walk from trunk to trunk, gathering candy, playing games, listening to music, and enjoying food from a variety of Food Vendors such as Backyard Burgers, Chik-Fil-A, Sid’s Pizza and Chef Juan’s BBQ!

And all of it…every game, every slice of pizza, every decorated trunk…an effort to help families make a great first time CONNECTION to the life-energies of our congregation.

That makes Trunk or Treat more than a children’s ministry event. It is a church-wide, JCBC event. And there are 6 specific ways you can help make the connections happen.

TOT21. Donate Bags of Candy.
In order to accommodate the throngs of children who will be in attendance, we need as much high-sugar, cavity-inducing goodies as possible. Bring your bags of candy to church this Sunday, October 26th, and drop them in the designated bins located at each door.

2. Decorate a Trunk
We are looking for the most creative vehicle and trunk decorations out there. Prizes will be awarded to the most creative trunks, and to the community group or ministry group with the highest number of trunks represented. If you wish to host a trunk, you must contact Jill Jenkins at for the details and rules.

3. Help before the event.
Much help will be needed setting up PRIOR to the event, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Specific needs will be: parking cars; setting up stations, games and signs; judging the decorated trunk competition; and filling up balloons with helium.

4. Help during the event.
Many volunteers are needed during the event from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Specific needs during the event will be: hospitality hosts (to distribute JCBC informational materials); volunteers for two main welcome stations; candy and water deliverers to the cars that run low; first aid workers; hayride helpers; maze operators; and crafts workers.

5. Help after the event.
Much help will be needed immediately after the event from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Specific needs will be tearing down stations and cleaning up. This kind of work moves quickly when we all pitch in. Many hands make light work!

6. Invite as many families as possible.
This is an easy way for us to create a healthy first time exposure of JCBC to many of our friends and neighbors. Invite someone in person, or simply share the post from our JCBC Facebook Page.

This event will be an exciting way to connect to families in our broader community, and expose them to the kind of life-giving energy that makes JCBC who we are!

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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