VBS 2020 Volunteers

Hello Church,

Right now, everything around us is coming to a stop. We’re staying safe, spreading out, and doing what we can to stop the Corona Virus, to flatten the curve as they say. While schools, activities, and church and community programming has hit the “pause” button, there are a few things that never stop. One of these things is planning for Vacation Bible School! We are looking ahead to June 7th – 10th, 2020 with all the hope and excitement we can muster! We are looking ahead to a time where we’re all together again, worshiping and serving in our beautiful church, singing songs and learning Bible stories, creating memories and sharing Christ with our children.

In this moment you have two options, stop reading and brush VBS off as something we can sign up for “later.” Or, set a record to fill the spots earlier than we ever have, using this opportunity to stir up hope and joy in ourselves, our families, and our community! We can trust that in a few short months we will have the opportunity to follow God’s call to participate in building up the Body of Christ through serving our children.

This year’s VBS theme is “Knights of North Castle: Quest for the King’s Armor.” At Knights of North Castle, children are invited to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of God’s power by exploring how we put on the armor of God! Kids will take up their gauntlets this summer and accept the challenge to “armor up” and be strong by remaining with God and sharing God’s love in a world that needs it more than ever. Find out more about the theme and register your kids at https://jcbc.org/vbs/.

We say this every year, and it’s still true! We need over 100 Volunteers to make our VBS the best it can be! Read below for descriptions of each position and then sign up at https://jcbc.org/vbs/.

Storyteller: Our Bible Storytellers take about an hour every night to teach the night’s Bible Story to a grade of their choice (PreK – 6th Grade). As a Bible Storyteller you follow a script given by the curriculum and work with the other storytellers for creative ideas on how to make the biggest impact during your time with the kids.

Class Leader: As a class leader you meet the kids as they arrive in your classroom, do an opening activity, and lead them to their different rotations. We are thinking of renaming this position “shepherd,” because you really are directing them from one place to the next with a loving and caring attitude! After the opening activity you take them around to their stations as they experience the Bible stories through Storytelling, Recreation, Snack, Missions, and Celebration. You finish the night back in your classroom as parents arrive for pick up.

Recreation: When we think of recreation, we think of fun and games. That is part of recreation, but that’s not all of it. Teaching kids through play is teaching them through body movement and fun. In Recreation we are teaching them about teamwork and cooperation, gracefully winning and gracefully losing. We are teaching them about working together, for better or worse, until the game is over.

Snack: Our snack directors need people to help prepare and serve snacks. We need people who will prepare and serve with love and kindness, people who can show kids that they are loved and provided for inside our walls and once they leave. Meeting these children’s physical need opens a door for them to feel safe enough to letting us provide for their spiritual needs.

Missions: This year we have an all new element to missions! Missions is where the Gospel teaching becomes real-life application for our kids. Through the week the kids learn about where their Missions Offering will be going. Then, on Wednesday night all of our kids forgo Recreation to visit our all new Missions Market! This market will allow the kids to have a hands-on experience with the culture of Puerto Rico and how their giving will make a difference in that community! To serve on the Mission Team means you help with setup, participating in the market, and preparing the way for kids to learn what they can do to make a difference in the world.

That’s a lot of words, and hopefully you stuck with me to the end. We would love to have you as part of this year’s winning VBS team. You really can make a difference with just 2 hours a night for 4 nights.

We hope and pray that God will turn this into a fruitful event where kids learn the importance of who Jesus is and how they can be part of God’s mission to save the world!

Click here to be on the JCBC VBS Team!
In Grace,
Annie Westbrook

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