[BE] here. [BE] for.

Memorial Day Weekend is coming, marking the beginning of Summer, and a number of wonderful opportunities to engage the full life of our congregation. In addition to Vacation Bible School,…

Puerto Rico: Our New Frontier

The hurricane named Maria ravaged Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. With sustained winds of 155+ miles per hour the nation’s power grid literally folded up and blew away leaving…

Slow it down. Now.

I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation. I was in the locker-room, post-workout, and the dialogue between a young father and his four-year-old son had a familiar ring to it.…

Exodus – Freed to [BE]

For more than 430 years the descendants of Jacob resided in Egypt. They had come there under the leadership of Jacob’s most beloved son, Joseph, who had been sold into…

Who will you invite?

There is no marketing strategy more effective than word-of-mouth. Some of today’s most successful companies grew their consumer base primarily on word-of-mouth strategies. According to one HuffingtonPost.com article, Nielsen “found…

Holy Week at JCBC

Current Events
For millions of Christians worldwide, this Sunday begins the highest and holiest week of the year. It is Holy Week,* and here is a rundown of six special events you…


As we continue to focus on our missional partnerships in the month of March, and most immediately prepare for a total mission-immersion this Saturday at nine sites in and around…