
One spring evening in 2005, I answered the phone in my kitchen, and the voice on the other end introduced himself as a search committee member from JCBC. He asked…

Be With

What does it really mean to BE WITH? Jesus spoke of the importance of just being with when he comforts Martha who was curiously (and maybe annoyingly) inquiring about Mary…

Not Yet. Not Ever.

Connection, Formation
But grow in the grace and the knowledge of or Lord and Savior Jesus Christ… 2 Peter 3:18   It’s easy to be lulled in. I mean, after all, the…

Holy Week at JCBC

Holy Week is here. This past Sunday, our children called us to worship with palm branches waving and songs of Hosanna rising. Much like the first century, we have ushered…

Holy Week at JCBC

The point and purpose of Lent, is movement. Lent, as a journey, is a reminder that we are headed somewhere. This season of contemplation and confession, reflection and repentance only…