Two Kinds of People

You know, there are two kinds of people… Those who think they can, and those who think they can’t, and they’re both right. (Henry Ford) Those that listen and those…


At the end of every year, selects its International Word of the Year. This is a word that has become so popular, so widely used, that it gets tagged…


Formation, Mobilization
“Hi, how was your week?” Pretty good, actually. Last year I asked the question, “Why do artificial stem cells age faster than natural stem cells?” Last week I discovered that…

In His Image

Formation, Worship
I have an interesting picture. On the right is my grandson, Caleb. On the left is my son-in-law Alan when he was Caleb’s age. They are in the same swim…

Go Viral

“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste…

A Father’s Love

“and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”…

Say What?

I cranked my lorry and pressed the petrol to the floor. The silencer was dodgy and it awoke the blokes from their kip. Knackered from a long fortnight I’d hoped…

9 Myths about Forgiveness

Formation, Sermons
We have now completed our 6 week study in Forgiveness. If you were with us (or you followed our live video stream), you know that each week, we attempted to…

JCBC Mobilizing in Ethiopia

Pastor King & family, along with JCBC’s Darwin family explore missional opportunities in Ethiopia. Earlier in the spring, JCBC faithfully and generously funded a missions offering that well exceeded our…

Vacation Bible School 2014

“Love God, Love People, Follow Jesus.” Isn’t this what it is ALL about? June 1st is the official beginning of our annual Vacation Bible School- a Workshop of Wonders (WOW)…