This week, I have the distinct honor to represent our JCBC family at the 25th General Assembly of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, in Greensboro, North Carolina. Each General Assembly is…
“‘The City Beautiful’ has now become covered in blood.” These were the words spoken to me by my friend David Harding, on the phone early Sunday morning. David is the…
This has been an awesome week of Vacation Bible School. We have taken nearly 300 children on a journey this week as they are learning to Walk This Way!!! From…
Wednesday evening, May 25, 2016 was a monumental night in the life of our congregation. On that night, JCBC gathered for a special called business session to consider and vote…
JCBC has made 35+ trips to the Dominican/Haiti island to minister, teach, preach, equip, build, and provide direct aid to churches and people. Our most recent trip featured a group…
Last week, our Worship Pastor, Glenn Crosthwait, posted the two pictures that you see at the top of this blog. Each represents one of the two spectacular nights of worship…
This past Saturday, more than 120 JCBC leaders gathered for a special breakfast. These leaders were members of the Pastor’s Council, Pastoral Staff, Deacon Body, Stewardship Committee, the Chairpersons of…
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2 Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things. Psalm 98:1 I will…
When my 15 year old clicked his seatbelt, and then told me to “buckle up,” I knew something had changed. Because he said it from the driver’s seat. So, yeah.…
Once again JCBC has reached a milestone in missional giving. We have surpassed our highest-ever goal of $150,000.00 and are again poised for an amazing and blessed year in missional…
Tonight is a special night at JCBC. Tonight, during Midstream, we kick off a new 3 part Guest Lecture Series entitled, “I Believe: A Study on Theological Worlds.” Our guest…
What determines the direction of your life? What force is it that funds and fuels your existence? Is it a person? A perspective? A politic? Where, at present, will the…