If the whole body were…

We are the body of Christ. That’s what the Apostle Paul claims. The living, breathing, body of our Lord. The visible presence of the Risen Christ. And each of us,…

Glancing Back. Gazing Forward.

Current Events
An excerpt from Johns Creek Baptist Church: The First 20 Years 1993-2013, by Barbara Brown and David Brown: The goal of the new JCBC congregation was to relocate and occupy…

Night of Hymns

Aside from God’s Holy and Inspired Word, some of the most profound and theologically deep writings are found in hymns.  Through the ages, hymns have been a way to pour…

Unplugged – Night of Worship

  Hi, JCBC family! This is my first blog in “The Call” and I’m so excited to have the opportunity to write to you.  Before I get started, I just…