Advent 2017

Current Events
With the season of Advent just around the corner, I hope you and your family plan to take full advantage of every opportunity to gather with your church family and…

Blue Christmas 2017

For some, Christmas is NOT the “most wonderful time of the year.” If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, the long-awaited return of a son or…

2017 Mobilization Report

I’m proud to share with you about our latest water project and the final results of September’s Annual Missions Offering. Our largest team of all time assisted in the construction…

Dr. Wm. Loyd Allen

Sylvan Hills Baptist Church Professor of Church History and Spiritual Formation Ph.D. 1984, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity 1978, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, B.S. 1974, University of Montevallo,…

[BE] Generous

Dear JCBC Member, What an amazing year it has been at JCBC. Earlier this year, our Faith2Next campaign was an extraordinary demonstration of our congregational courage, vision and generosity, as…

[BE] Still and Know

Our mortal existence has limits. When we are born, the clock starts. Life [BE]gins. Regardless of what we do to speed up or slow down the clock, one fact is…

A New Era Begins

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a new beginning. T.S. Eliot Over…

Where do you [BE]?

It was the Greek philosopher Socrates who said, “To be is to do.” It was his student Plato who said, “To do is to be.” But it was the blue-eyed…