Faith2Next Update!

Current Events
By now, I trust you are beginning to pick up on the exciting buzz surrounding Faith2Next–our bold, two-fold initiative to develop our first multi-venue worship experience, and to become a…

Christ > Caesar

Current Events
If there is one thing I would have the church remember as our nation approaches Friday’s Presidential Inauguration, it would be the same message I proclaimed on the November 6th,…


Current Events
This past Sunday, in our 2017 State of the Church Address, we celebrated the unveiling of an exciting new campaign entitled, “Faith2Next.” More than simply a capital campaign, Faith2Next is…

State of the Church, 2017

Current Events
It is hard to believe, but this Sunday will mark the beginning of my fifth year as Senior Pastor of this great church. In some ways, it feels as if…

A New Year Blessing

Current Events
Have you met Janus? In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of transitions; the gatekeeper of beginnings and endings. In icon form, Janus was imaged as having two faces. One…

Another Vital List to Check Twice

The month of December is filled with activity and commitment. Remaining faithful to everyone and everything can leave us a bit harried and hurried. Amid the merry chaos of it…

Words Fall Short

Words fall short. There really is no way to adequately articulate the full measure of emotion I experienced this past weekend, at both presentations of Christmas at Johns Creek. On…

Invitation to Light the Darkness

Last Wednesday was our annual Blue Christmas Service. We offer this unique worship service each year for those who are sad during the holidays. For many who have suffered loss,…

Blue Christmas

For some, Christmas is NOT the “most wonderful time of the year.” If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, the long-awaited return of a son or…


In the year 1223, St. Francis was visiting the town of Grecio to celebrate Christmas. Grecio was a small town built on a mountainside overlooking a beautiful valley. The people…


“Eucharisteo” is an interesting word, in Greek. In its simplest terms, it means, “give thanks.” But a close study of the word (as found in New Testament texts) reveals that…