the fam.

No two families are the same. Each one has its own distinct strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and idiosyncrasies. Each and every tribe has its own unique way of putting the “fun”…

VBS Needs Y-O-U!

Johns Creek Kids
VBS Needs Y-O-U! June 2nd – 5th, 2019 It is almost here! Vacation Bible School is an extraordinary opportunity to minister to the children of our church and community every…

Holy Week – Saturday

Current Events
Luke 23:54-56 It was the day of Preparation, and the sabbath was beginning. The women who had come with him from Galilee followed, and they saw the tomb and how…

Good Friday

Current Events
As we look toward Holy Week at Johns Creek, I’m so glad that we’ve decided to go “all in” as a church to celebrate what we believe is the most…

Maundy Thursday

Current Events
On the Thursday evening prior to Easter, we will gather for a worshipful time of reflection, remembrance and hope. We will consider the deeply moving events of that night in…

Silent Wednesday

Current Events
Have you ever run across one of those tests or exercises where you are asked to “read” a paragraph that has a substantial number of words missing?  Or, maybe, you’ve…

Holy Week – Tuesday

Current Events
What does one call Tuesday of Holy Week? Most everyone is familiar with Palm Sunday as it officially kicks off Holy Week. Maundy Thursday isn’t as familiar as the next…

VBS 2019 – Miraculous Mission

Johns Creek Kids
Explore How Jesus Saves the World! VBS 2019 – Miraculous Mission June 2nd – 5th, 2019 We can’t wait for VBS 2019! Vacation Bible School is an extraordinary opportunity to…